Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What a way to end the week!

I'm sitting in the classroom and Chief Davis asks me to take the coffee pot back in the office.

We have a 2 in/2 out policy and my partner Ron McGee heads to the office with. We Get in the office and I plug the coffee machine in and Instructor Baker asks me to pull up chair and have a seat.

FUCK! What did I do now? My mind is racing trying to think back and remember if I missed something or said something stupid.

I sit down and wait for him to finish what he's doing...silence...sweat...more silence...Instructor Baker turns to me and says:

"There are a few people in the department who don't think you're going to make it through this time and we make a lot of jokes that you'll be "done again", but I wanted to let you know that I see a major difference in you from the last time around. I know you have a lot of aches and pains from the running but you're doing a great job and keep up the good work. Continue what you're doing and you'll be on the line in no time."

Fuck Yeah! That's the best news I heard in a while. I'm glad they see I'm working my ass off and the effort I put into this academy.